"One of my babies fed LOADS. The next one was super efficient, and went much longer between feeds. I wish I had know that they were both fine, and neither of them was "wrong". All babies are individuals."
There isn’t one way to breastfeed and there isn’t one position you should use. There are some basic principles; a baby taking a mouthful of breast and not just the nipple, a baby’s chin and body in contact with mum. But that can happen in a many different ways.
We do know that babies often respond well when they feel anchored and secure, so positions where babies are well supported (such as a mum leaning back) may be more helpful than a baby dangling on an arm. Some mums prefer to hold their breast, some keep them in their natural shape. Some women have very long nipples and some short, or flat.
It’s true that some babies, and some mums, may struggle to make breastfeeding work. Exclusive pumping, using a tube feeding system at the breast to give supplemental milk, or using nipple shields may be part of your breastfeeding story. If you are struggling, visit our 'Find Support' page and get in touch with the organisations and groups who will help you. You are not alone, the chances are you'll find many women going through something similar to you, and needing back-up is normal.
Kate, infant feeding specialist midwife and mother of two very different babies!