Babies feed for all sorts of reasons

Human milk contains so much more than nutrition, and the closeness and safety your baby experiences in your arms is priceless.
When a baby breastfeeds, hormones such as oxytocin and cholecystokinin are released. They give babies a feeling of calm, relaxation and contentment. Oxytocin is produced in mum too and this stimulates feelings of trust, affection and love. Oxytocin helps us to strengthen relationships and form bonds with our loved ones.
Oxytocin is also a sedative so it's really normal for babies to fall asleep while they are feeding and particularly useful at night. When it's produced during a feed, it can help mums sleep too.
Breastfeeding isn't just food, it's medicine.
Tailor-made antibodies are created by your body in response to pathogens in your and your baby's environment, and you deliver them to your baby through your milk with each feed.
There are many different antiviral and antibacterial properties in our milk. Breastmilk also has anti-inflammatory properties. Breastfeeding is increasingly being respected as a pain relief tool and its effect is noted by researchers and health professionals, as well as by mums with a teething baby at 2am!
Find out all about the components in your milk on our What's in Breastmilk page.
Further reading
The Fourth Trimester – AKA Why Your Newborn Baby is Only Happy in Your Arms
Read moreBy Sara Rockwell-Smith